How to Throw the Ultimate Care Bears Pajama Party
Growing up, we loved slumber parties! There’s nothing better than getting to stay up late watching movies with your best friends, laughing together after lights out, and waking up for breakfast the next morning.
This April, there’s a National Pajama Day (the PERFECT Birdie Bean holiday! We know!) And it comes just in time for our adorable new Care Bears Bedtime Pizzas and Donuts Collection. To celebrate National Pajama Day and our ultimate sleepover collection, we’re helping you plan the perfect slumber party for your Birdies.
Around here, we like to keep things simple. From ordering pizzas to making homemade donuts, this sleepover party can be as simple or complicated as you like! But most importantly, we want it to be memorable. And what’s more memorable than matching pajamas?
Make sure to shop our newest and cutest Care Bears Collection before your favorites sell out. Now, let’s party!

How to Throw a Care Bears Approved Slumber Party
Step One: Invite the Right Number of Guests
Knowing what the right number of guests to invite is the first step towards throwing any great party. But especially a slumber party, where too many guests can be overwhelming for the kids and for you.
We saw a recent suggestion that the ‘right’ number of guests is the age of your Birdie, cut in half! That means if you’re throwing a sleepover party for your 6 year old, you’d invite 3 guests.
Keeping the party small can mean more attention for each child, less conflict and more sanity for you! Plus any children's party can get expensive, and with a smaller number of guests you can better personalize the entire night.

Step Two: Pick a Theme
Having a ‘theme’ is a sure-fire way to make sure your party stands out! While there are plenty of themes you could go with, we want to suggest Care Bears! Care Bears are nostalgic and magical for all ages. And the best part is that it’s a very easy theme to decorate for!
You can decorate in all the colors of the rainbow, make Care Bears themed snacks (including Rainbow Fruit) and let each child choose their favorite Care Bears for the evening.

Step 3: Make it Personalized
As well as having a theme, making the party personalized to your guests is another great way to make the whole night more memorable. Depending on your budget and the number of guests, we know that matching pajamas are perfect for sleepovers.
Alongside matching pajamas, you could also create ‘pamper kits’, treat baskets and set up cute sleep arrangements for each child.
Sticking with our ‘Care Bears-Theme’, we recommend creating a semi-circle (rainbow) out of the beds. You can put a different color blanket and pillow on each bed and add personalized touches with matching pajamas, sleep masks with their names and Care Bears!
Pro Mom Tip: Choose the sleeping arrangements ahead of time, and set up each kid's bed for them to avoid any hurt feelings or drama when it’s time to go to sleep.

Step 4: Plan High Intensity & Low Intensity Activities
The best way to ensure a good night sleep for everyone involved is to make sure you’ve planned plenty of high and low intensity activities. It’s a good idea to start the day with high intensity activities and then wind down slowly so everyone is ready for bed.
Get the party started with a Care Bears-themed playlist and dance party! Then as the night progresses, plan to watch a movie and spend some time coloring. Here are our favorite Care Bears Coloring Pages (that you can print from home!)
Other activities might include decorating pillowcases, having a spa night, charades and playing board games.

Step 5: Plan the Menu
First things first, make a note of anyone’s allergies. We recommend having snacks throughout the evening and next morning that the kids can be involved in making. It’s also a good idea to have a mix of fun treats (like donuts!) and healthy options.
One of our favorites is Rainbow Fruit Sticks straight from the Care Bears original party cookbook.
To make Care Bears Rainbow Fruit Sticks you’ll need:
- Strawberries
- Blueberries
- Green Grapes
- Orange slices
- Toothpicks
Then it’s easy! Cut the top of the strawberries off and then stack the fruit in this order: strawberries, blueberries, grapes, and then orange slices. Once you’ve put all the fruit onto the toothpicks, lie them out in the shape of a rainbow.
For dinner, make personalized pizzas, they’re always a favorite in our house. You’ll find our favorite mini-pizza recipe here. Also, we recommend having donuts on hand – because who doesn’t love donuts?! If you’re feeling ambitious and want to make your own donuts, follow along with this recipe.

Step 6: Going to Bed
Once the evening starts winding down, make sure that you have a plan for getting everyone to sleep. There’s always going to be some giggles and excitement after lights out, but the goal is to make sure everyone falls asleep quickly.
Start by setting a ‘lights out’ time so the kids know when it’s getting close to bedtime. Half an hour before, you can dim the lights and get everyone into their beds. Provides flashlights for when they need to get up in the night to go to the bathroom, or keep a nightlight plugged in.

Step 7: Waking Up the Next Morning
Sleep overs don’t end when the kids go to bed! Make sure that you have a plan for the next morning. What’s for breakfast? What time are they getting picked up? Have a plan to help everyone get breakfast eaten and bags packed before it’s time to go home.
For an easy breakfast, why not make waffles? And if you really want to stick to your Care Bears-Theme, grab this adorable Care Bears waffle iron! Breakfast has never looked so cute!
Growing up we used to love having sleepovers with our friends! Keep that love and tradition alive for your kids. We hope these tips will help you plan a creative, easy and memorable sleepover for your Birdies.
Celebrate National Pajamas Day with a sleepover and our cutest ever Care Bears Sleepover Collection! Shop your favorite styles and grab matching pajamas for the whole family here.