Must-Have Items for Your Diaper Bag from Birdie Bean
Our best advice for new moms: always be prepared! As a new parent, your go-to sidekick is always going to be your diaper bag. Having the right items in your diaper bag can prevent a lot of emergencies on the go! From hungry baby to poo-storm, you’ll want to make sure you haven’t forgotten any of the essentials.
In this post, we’re helping you prepare for it all with our diaper bag must-haves.
Here at Birdie Bean, we love making your everyday moments more memorable. That’s just one of the reasons why we love matching pajamas. So while they might not be a diaper bag must-have, we still recommend an adorable and comfortable set of matching pajamas for you and your little Birdie. Shop our summer collections out now.

Do I need a diaper bag?
As you’re preparing for your new baby, you might be asking yourself if you really *need* a diaper bag… It’s true, you could use any purse or backpack big enough to hold the essentials, but we recommend investing in a quality diaper bag because they are usually designed with moms in mind.
They’ll have easy access compartments for your most used items, pockets designed to hold bottles, changing pads built in and so much more.
These days you can find really cute and practical diaper bags!

Diaper Bag Must-Haves
When it comes to packing your diaper bag, you want to think about all of the possible scenarios that might occur while you’re out and about. Things like diaper changes and feedings are quite common, but what about packing an extra onesie? Or keeping a couple of toys on hand?
This list will hopefully make sure you haven’t forgotten anything!
Diaper Bag Baby Must-Haves
While these exact items are going to vary depending on how old your baby is and your own personal preferences, this checklist can help as a general guide for your diaper bag:
- Diapers and wipes. This one is obvious! You’ll need plenty of diapers and wipes in your diaper bag. We recommend packing 1 diaper for every two hours you’ll be out and then a couple of spares.
- A portable changing pad. A changing pad that easily folds away, there are even diaper bags these days with these built-in.
- Diaper cream and ointment for dry skin
- Bottles and feeding supplies. If you’re feeding formula, we recommend measuring the formula and water ahead of time and storing them separately for mixing when your baby is hungry. If you’re breastfeeding make sure you keep the bottles cool by bringing along a cooler or getting a diaper bag that specifically has a cooler.
- Items you need to breastfeed or pump in public
- A spare onesie or set of clothes. It’s always a good idea to have a spare onesie but we also recommend another set of clothes. Our Birdie Twirls and Convertible Rompers make great changes of clothes for your diaper bag.
- Waterproof bag for storing soiled clothes. This can even be a big ziplock bag that just helps you keep wet and soiled items separate.
- Burp clothes; always bring a spare!
- A lightweight blanket. Our beautiful bamboo blankets fold away into small sizes perfect for your diaper bag!
- A spare teether or pacifier. We recommend attaching your teether to one of our cute and comforting loveys!
- Extra toys for baby
- Snacks and water. This will change depending on the age of your baby, but it’s always a good idea to have a few snacks and water.
- Sun hat and sunscreen (for warm weather)
- Winter hat, mittens, and gloves (for cold weather)
- First aid kit

Diaper Bag Momma Must-Haves
There will also be things in your diaper bag specifically for you! Whether it’s a magazine to flip through while you’re breastfeeding or an extra shirt in case of emergency, don’t be afraid to pack your own essentials.
- Hand sanitizer
- Nursing and vaginal pads
- An extra shirt
- Keys, wallet, and phone
- Chapstick
- Magazine or book to read
- Water

Tips for Packing Your Diaper Bag
The last thing you want is to be searching through your disorganized diaper bag with a screaming or vomiting baby! That’s why we recommend keeping your diaper bag organized.

Keeping your diaper bag organized
Start by grouping items. Have a specific section of the diaper bag that’s dedicated to diaper changes, another section that’s dedicated to feeding your baby, and a third that stores all of your items.
We recommend using additional bags to store items you might need to grab in a hurry and for example, keeping wipes, diapers, and diaper cream all together in a ziplock bag that can easily be grabbed when needed!
Repack and clean your diaper bag right away
We know you don’t want another thing on your to-do list, especially when you just got home from a long and tiring outing with a newborn. But we can honestly say that if you get into the habit of cleaning and repacking your diaper bag right away, you’ll be way less likely to forget anything.
Plus you can get those soiled clothes out immediately so they don’t end up stinking the whole bag up!

Check for leaks
Anything that can (and probably will) leak, should be put in an additional bag. Trust us, you don’t want breastmilk or sunscreen wreaking havoc on the inside of your diaper bag. Instead of taking any chances, just double-bag things!
Once you have everything packed, make sure to keep your diaper bag handy so you always remember to grab it on your way out the door. We don’t recommend leaving it in the car because you might have bottles to clean, binkies to wash, and supplies to restock. You could try keeping it by the door or in your nursery.
Now we know that matching pajamas aren't a must-have item for your diaper bag… in fact, you’d probably laugh if we said it was because you’re not going out in your pajamas. But something essential after a long day out? The most comfortable outfit possible.
That’s where we come in. We’ve created buttery soft, adorable, and affordable bamboo pajamas for the whole family. Making your everyday moments sweeter. Shop our new summer collections (out now!) and don’t forget to get something for yourself momma. You definitely deserve it.
Whether it’s your first baby or you are a seasoned pro, congratulations and thank you for trusting us to be on this beautiful journey with you. We hope our range of matching family pajamas and sets can feature in your family’s memories and traditions for years to come.